
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Many people with allergies or intolerances to fragrances may not know this about Artificial Flavors

Many people with allergies or intolerances to fragrances may not know this and mat not be able to figure out why they are having flare ups and not know what is causing it? The following is what happens to me:

 Artificial flavoring in candies, tooth paste, foods etc... is a fragrance. Just think about it, why would candies smell like cherry if no cherry in it. The same chemicals that make your shampoo smell like strawberry is the same chemicals in candies. Not good is it? Now you know why so many people are sick and so much sickness in this world.

 I starting having flare ups and couldn't figure what the problem was when I was not in contact with any type of fragrance. After a while it came to me that when I was eating or smelling these artificial flavors I would get sick and feel miserable. Had to avoid all A flavors.

 To prove the point it happened to me, Every time me and my wife was in my car I would feel sick and couldn't figure what the problem was until my wife thought about she had a pack of gum in her purse with artificial flavor in it. Had to get rid of the gum and the purse (smell went through it). After that I felt fine again.

Me and my wife have to use toothpaste with pure mint and Amazon was my best place to get this at the best price and shipped free every month by subscribe and save. Best part is the more you by the more % each order you save. So buy all your Fragrance free products to be delivered at the same time. The following is the best I found of what we tested:

We also tried this but it has no (real) flavor (flarorless)


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Fragrance free Shampoo & Detergent for Allergies

Fragrance Allergies, Intolerance and sarcoidosis

       Around the year 2006 I became sensitive to Fragrances. As time went on it had gotten worse whereas I had to avoid fragrances completely. I could not go in stores, friends houses etc...I didn't break out in a rash as you normally would with allergies but I used to become disoriented not knowing who I was or where I was and eventually and pass out until I was removed from the fragrances. I would be sick then for a couple days and improved gradually until the couple of days passed.

        I had allergy test done but showed negative for allergies and was told by the specialist I had an intolerance to Fragrances. She told me I am one lucy guy because my symptoms were so sever that if it were an allergy I would have died. When you become disoriented with allergies you are close to death. Shocked me!!

       2011 I had a massive Heart attack and was given the clot buster drug that saved my life and later learned I had a blockage @ 90%. I had a bypass surgery done just after my Heart attack. Before the surgery I had a Xray on my chest and the specialist Doctor diagnosed me at the time with Sarcoidosis. I have been told by persons with the disease that the disease causes them to be sensitive to fragrances so I am not sure if that causes my intolerance to Fragrances.

 Because of my sensitivity I have to use Fragrance free products such as Head and Shoulders shampoo Pure & Gentle Fragrance free which works very well for me. Happy I came across this on Amazon and use the Subscribe and save option to have this delivered to me free shipping every 2 months.

More products in my next Blog post to help you live a much better life!! Thanks!!